My newsletter is sorted
by most recent to least recent.

So, this website finally has its very first page now:
the Catalog. The URL is lovely, isn't it? This page doesn't have much on it yet, but going forward I'll be documenting all of my free Tumblr themes and Neocities layouts here.
Everything is here, including information, a link to Tumblr, upload date, live previews, and version number. I just need to finish the "Installation" page.
Additionally, I've added this link to all the necessarily places--you can find it on the "link" sidebar now and in my changes sidebar.
(I'm gonna have to work on my change log soon.)

I removed the rainbow snowflake cursor effect and switched it with a falling snowflake effect, because I thought the snowflakes were a bit gaudy and I noticed they tend to break at times.
Also, I told myself I probably wouldn't when I made the site, but I'm thinking I'd like to make shrines. Nothing crazy though. (Kind of thinking ahead when I already have so much to finish!)
I revamped the whole website!! Which I really shouldn't have done, since I don't have any of my pages done yet... But I thought the old one needed some changes, and hey, I'm halfway done with my code catalog and next I'm going to work on some important pages, like my info and update log.

I changed all of the images and assets on this website to be hosted on here. I also removed my mini profile page and replaced it with an "articles" tab instead--I love to write and put my thoughts into written word, but have a hard time taking myself seriously. So I'm going to document some things here.
These are really just personal pieces, think pieces if you will. There on none on this website yet, as I haven't written any yet, so that tab will just have a placeholding pudding there until further notice.
Also, I made a site button, just have to decide where I'll put it. I think I'll expand the website a bit and add 2 more tabs above the footer. So a site page... but what else? Well, I don't know, but maybe I will in the future.

After working and revising for about 3 days, the website of France La'Lune is finally up!

I went with a winter theme for now since it's a bit too late for Halloween.
I only have the simple essentials for now, but
will continue to be at work and gradually finish
up all of my site pages.
Feel free to click around and explore, though some of the pages might lead to dead ends until further notice.
View full update log. . .